Impact Factor : 3.3754 (UIF) [Yr.2017]
Reviews of Literature (ROL) is published monthly. This enables the author to publish their work rapidly. All the recived papers are uploaded and published online after final acceptance. And after we will provide Journal Hard Copy which is including your paper, Certificate by post. The journal caparison a very wide range of compass and we invits submission from practitioners at all levels and from all over the world.
All significant additional submitted Article for publication are precariously reviewed by editorial board and internal editors in order to ensure constant high quality of the journals. Reviews of Literature (ROL) section are given below: Agriculture, Botany, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Dentistry, Ecology, Engineering, Economics, Ethnobiology, Food Science, Geology, Health Science, History, Horticulture, Information Technology, Linguistics, Mathematics, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Nutrition, Pharmacy, Phytochemistry, Physical Education, Physics, Social Science, Sports Science, Veterinary Science and Zoology
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ANNIE BESANT (1847-1933)A. B. NADGOUDA Mrs. Annie Besant, a dynamic personality in Indian history was born on 1st October 1847 in London. Her parents were William Page Wood and Emily Morris.  Mahatma Gandhi ani hindu muslim EyakyAdhikrao Nikam Mahatma Gandhinchy.........  REVOLT OF 1857: FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PEOPLECHANDRAVADAN NAIK The condition of India in 1857 affords the best opportunity for popular outbreaks, varying in nature according to the circumstances and temperament of the different types of people  COMMERCE EDUCATION IN INDIA: PROBLEMS
AND PROSPECTSM.M. BAGBAN Commerce Education emerged in1886 when 1st Commerce college was established in Madras by the Trustees of Pachiyappas Charities ...  Khidrapur:ek prachin etihasik prytnsthalMane S.V. paryatan ha 
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